My Components Are Not Loading?

If you encounter a persistent ‘loading’ message when you attempt to open a component in Brixx, you can try this easy fix.

Open an Incognito or Private browsing window in your browser, and log into your Brixx account. Go to your plan and try to open a component. If components load correctly here, the problem is likely due to stored cache or cookies in your browser – in which case you need to clear your browser cache and/or cookies.

If the issue remains in Incognito/Private browsing, please contact our Support Team by sending an email to

How to clear browser cache/cookies

Every browser is different, and you can find instructions on how to clear your cache/cookies by Googling “How to clear cookies on <browser name>”. However, all have similar options so here’s an example of how to do it in Chrome:

  1. Click the 3-dot menu at the top right and select Settings
  2. On the left hand side select Privacy and Security
  3. Select the first option – Clear Browsing Data
  4. Here you can select what to delete and from which time period

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Fill out the form below and submit a ticket.

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