Scenario Analysis with Brixx

Easily ask questions and get answers for “what-if” scenarios.

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scenario analysis software at brixx


Good, better, and best planning – understand every eventuality with ease


Brixx gives you a plan in which to model and forecast your business. You can easily add additional plans to cover more scenarios, assess your financials, and follow best practices.

plans for best average worse
what if one click

One click “what-if”

Adjust scenarios in real time to give immediate answers 

Brixx enables you to turn parts of your plan off or on. Quickly see the consequences of that on your forecast.

Dynamic timelines

Avoid hours of work when your timing changes


When your forecast meets real life, things change. Analysts spend hours modifying models to account for a delay or see what would happen if they wanted to bring an action forward. With the power of the Brixx financial forecasting tool, you can play with timelines to your heart’s content by simply dragging the dates.

dynamic timelines brixx

Powerful scenario analysis

Best practice



On the fly


Getting started with Brixx scenario testing


Model your business


Build your forecast


Establish your plan

Bird-Eyewear-Team Case Study

Our customers put it best

"Brixx was enormously helpful in gaining investment"

Brixx is visually engaging, intuitive and easy for the whole business team to use. We understand our business better than we ever did before – from the smallest financial detail to the overall picture in just a couple of clicks.

Ed Bird - Bird Eyewear
Read the full case study

Common Scenario Analysis FAQs

What is scenario analysis?

Scenario analysis is used in accounting to evaluate the potential outcomes of different future financial scenarios. It involves creating and assessing alternative scenarios to understand their implications and assess the associated risks and opportunities.

Why is scenario analysis so important to businesses?

By considering various scenarios, businesses can anticipate potential challenges, opportunities, and risks. This allows them to make more informed decisions and develop strategies to adapt to changing circumstances, ultimately improving their resilience and increasing the likelihood of success.

Are there different types of scenario planning?

Quite often, there are three key scenarios in which businesses will want to create and assess. These include the current state/situation, the worst case scenario, and the best case scenario. From these, branches into different scenarios can be made.

Learn more about scenario analysis


Scenario Analysis: How it Works, Examples and FAQs

Scenario analysis is a technique used in various fields, such as business, finance, and risk management, to evaluate the potential...

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AI in scenario forecasting and planning

AI-Driven Scenario Forecasting and Planning

This blog post delves into how ChatGPT can improve scenario forecasting in Brixx, offering a more robust, dynamic, and predictive...

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What is Sensitivity Analysis in Finance

What is Sensitivity Analysis in Finance?

Financial forecasting & modelling is all about trying to predict the future of your business and sensitivity analysis is just...

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What is Revenue Bridge Analysis

What is Revenue Bridge Analysis?

In this article, we'll explore what exactly revenue bridge is, and why it holds a pivotal role in financial analysis....

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