Refreshing your data is required to pull the latest information that you’ve entered into Xero.
Click the Xero tab in the top of the plan menu and next to ‘Recent imports’ click the update data button.
This will update the Xero actual data you see in your reports. It will also update any changes to your chart of accounts.
If you’ve added any new accounts in Xero since the last update, you can also find them in the Xero tab where you refreshed your data.
Click on the Profit & Loss or the Balance Sheet tab (depending on the account type you added) in order to find it and change its matching heading if you need to.
If you are ever in the situation where Brixx has lost its authorisation token to access your Xero data then subsequent updates will fail. You will see a reconnect button to click and authorise Brixx again.
Quick update
When this option is turned on, just the current month of data will be updated. Preview months data that has already been imported will remain. This option is useful to get your latest data in less time if you know that transactions have only changed in the current period.
Note: If you have added or modified your chart of accounts it is recommended that you turn this option off when you update to bring those changes into Brixx.
Automatic update
With this option turned on, Brixx will automatically sync your data at midnight daily.
Note: This currently uses UK server time GMT