A Brixx Update – Change to Subscription Related Reports

Change to Subscription Related Reports

Brixx Development Update: 30th September, 2024

A change to Brixx has been implemented to the way Cost of Sales related to Subscription sales are done.

Previously, related Costs of Sales would be split over the subscription period in the Cash Flow report. Now, the related Costs of Sales are shown on the Cash Flow report at the start of the subscription sale.

This also affects the Balance sheet (cash in bank), reflecting the change that the Cost of Sales is paid immediately, not over the duration of the subscription.

This change better aligns the Cash Flow, Balance Sheet and P&L reports, and takes into account real world situations where the cost is incurred immediately.

The change will take effect on Monday 30th September, 2024, around 5PM UK time.

If your plans are using the subscription component, we recommend checking your Cash Flow and Balance reports, to understand what has changed.

Model - Forecast - Plan
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