Payment and Collection Terms

What are payment and collection terms?

Payment and collection terms deal with when you pay or are paid for orders you have made or received.

Collection Terms – Delay when you receive income in your cash flow

Payment terms – Delay when you pay costs in your cash flow

For example, you may take an order for one of your products but not receive the cash for another 30 days. When you set this up you’ll see this delay on your cash flow charts and reports because they deal with when cash is actually exchanged. You can also use them to set up unpaid cash, allowing you to model a percentage of your sales or costs remaining unpaid.


Where to set them in Brixx?

You can find the global payment & collections terms by pressing Settings in the top menu. Then click the Finance Settings sub-tab. You’ll see these options towards the bottom of this page.

Every component in your plan can have payment and collection terms individually applied. This is done inside the data panel for each component. You can set a global default here in the finance settings of your plan


where to set payment terms


You can also set the terms in individual components, to set exceptions from the global default terms.


set the terms in individual components


Delay Options

The dropdown provides the options from 1 to 13 month delay and a custom option.

Custom allows you to apportion the amount of cost or income across several months (or unpaid).


Delay Options

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