Brixx Development Update – Excel Download Improvement And More

#Brixx Updates
admin|11min read |19 November 2021
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Brixx Development Update - Excel Download Improvement And More

We, here at Brixx, welcome notes from our users as we aim to constantly improve and fine-tune our cash flow forecasting and financial scenario modelling platform, our development update August 2021 covers common feedback and suggestions.

In this post I’ll be covering:

  • Recent Brixx development updates
    • Templates
    • Opening Balance UI revamp
    • Asset component improvement
    • New component icons
    • Excel download format improvement
  • What’s next for Brixx’s development?
  • Final thoughts

If you’re an existing Brixx user, sign into your account to try out the recent development updates.


Recent Brixx development updates


The first development update August 2021 is the addition of 11 new, industry specific, templates.

When starting a new plan in Brixx, you are able to select from a now wider range of templates for your setup. These templates are more tailored to cater for specific industry needs and are structured with suggested sources of income, costs, assets and funding for these types of businesses which can then be further customized once you are in the plan as per normal.

Brixx Development Update Aug - Industry Templates, Opening Balance UI Revamp, Component Improvement & Icons, Excel Download Improvement blog post image for cash flow forecasting and financial scenario modelling software

Brixx will be looking to expand on our selection of templates in the future to cater for additional industries as we aim to make cash flow forecasting and financial scenario modelling as user-friendly as possible.

As we work on developing this offering, please feel free to get in touch with us should there be a specific template you would like to see included or if you’d like to be able to define your own templates.

Opening Balance UI revamp

We have recently revamped the Opening Balance UI in order to improve upon the clarity of some Opening Balance entries. In addition, we have made it more clear as to how the entries should be populated in order to effectively utilize this feature by revamping the layout to ensure that every row provides information on where and how to populate it.

Components that contribute to your opening position can now also be seen directly inside the UI, as shown below.

Brixx Development Update Aug - Industry Templates, Opening Balance UI Revamp, Component Improvement & Icons, Excel Download Improvement blog post image for cash flow forecasting and financial scenario modelling software

Asset component improvement 

Where users once needed to set up a new asset component for every purchase in the forecast,  in asset components you can now convert the asset purchase field to a table in order to make multiple purchases over time in the same component.

Brixx Development Update Aug - Industry Templates, Opening Balance UI Revamp, Component Improvement & Icons, Excel Download Improvement blog post image for cash flow forecasting and financial scenario modelling software

New component icons

Another update we’ve made to the Brixx cash flow forecasting tool is that every component now has its own unique icon to help differentiate the various types from each other.

Brixx Development Update Aug - Industry Templates, Opening Balance UI Revamp, Component Improvement & Icons, Excel Download Improvement blog post image for cash flow forecasting and financial scenario modelling software

Users can still click these icons to turn figures on or off in their outputs.

Excel download format improvement

Previously, drilldowns in the excel report downloads had formatting that wasn’t as clear as it could be. Drilling down would leave the total row both above and below the items making it difficult to read.

In an effort to improve this, the excel format now hides these duplicated totals as you drill down into lines. It also has new indentation similar to the reports in-app so it is easier to see the relationship between totals and the items that contribute to them.

If you’re an existing Brixx user, we welcome your feedback in order to improve our cash flow forecasting and financial scenario modelling platform. Should you still be looking for a forecasting tool to help you improve your business, we encourage you to sign up for a Brixx trial today.

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What’s next for Brixx’s development?

We are constantly looking for and working on ways to improve the Brixx platform and are excited to share a bit of what we’re currently working on.

The highlights:

  • Inventory component improvement – A comprehensive update with new options such as the ability to set inventory levels to maintain and set minimum order amounts.
  • New actuals to date report format – A much requested report format that shows actuals up to a chosen date and adjusts your forecast based on your latest position.

If you’re considering using Brixx or are a new user, take a look at the Brixx Bike Shop Demo by clicking the button below.

Final thoughts

To wrap things up, here’s a summary of the recent Brixx development updates we’ve executed to help improve our platform:

  • Industry-specific templates
  • Opening Balance UI revamp
  • Asset component improvement
  • New component icons
  • Excel download format improvement

We’ll be releasing more updates soon and are constantly working on improvements to the app, stay tuned to our Development Updates page for more and thank you for reading our development update August 2021.

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