The Brixx Insider #7 – Stock sold option, Xero news and more!

#The Brixx Insider
admin|11min read |6 August 2020
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The Brixx Insider #7 - Stock sold option, Xero news and more!

Hello again and welcome to our monthly update, we’re focusing on the Xero progression.

Can you believe it’s August? A lot of us would be taking our summer holidays now, but 2020 had other plans!

Anyway, here’s what we’ve been up to in the last month.

Xero Integration

We’ve been hard at work on our integration with Xero. 

The Xero beta was opened up to a second round of participants – these slots are now full.

We’ve implemented a number of fixes based on your feedback, which has been incredibly helpful! 

We’ve also introduced new architecture for handling the import of large volumes of transactions. New plans will create in a few seconds allowing you to start working on your forecast immediately. Cash transactions will continue to import in the background.

We’re also implementing a new option for just importing the most recent months changes so that when you refresh your data, you’ll get the latest figures much quicker. This is alongside the new opening balance fields we went through in the previous insider which we will release next week.

We are now in the process of working with Xero to progress our Xero integration to the next stage, incorporating Xero features for your benefit.

A huge thank you to everyone who has taken part in the beta so far! Your feedback has been incredibly useful, and is helping us improve and refine the integration. 

If you’d like to take part, please register your interest for the next round of testing, you can be on any subscription level, free or trial!

New feature releases

Manual Inventory

Recently we released the new inventory input option. 

You can now enter your inventory stock sold manually, providing you with a greater ability to fine tune your inventory in line with your sales.

This means the manual option has a field for entering cash purchases and a field for entering expense from usage.

Cash purchases field

  • Spends cash on the cash flow
  • Adds to inventory value on the balance sheet

Expenses field

  • Shows expense on the profit & loss
  • Reduces inventory value on the balance sheet

Manual Inventory - new release


This is a feature that will be surely welcome amongst many of you!

Corporation Tax losses carried forward

You can now enter negatives in the opening tax payable fields on the Corporation Tax tab. This allows you to count past losses against the tax bill in the first financial year of the plan.

Further updates will follow!

As always, if you have any questions, concerns or general comments, we would love to hear from you!

New feature preview

New stock option for maintaining inventory levels.

The Maintain option will include a minimum order value and an inventory level at which more stock will be purchased.

For example:

Maintain: £1000 of inventory.

Purchase more stock when inventory drops below: £700

Minimum order: £500

You would be able to turn each of these into a monthly table, letting you set different levels to maintain, different minimum order values, etc. at different points throughout the year.

This will round out our inventory improvements for the year – although if you have any other specific inventory requests, please let us know!
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New website homepage

Some of you may have noticed an upgrade to our homepage, with a great new video to boot!

If you’ve been with us for a while, you know how much the app has changed over the course of the last two years. We thought it was about time to make a new website to match the changes.

We have also got a new set of explainer videos on YouTube which you might be interested in.

Article spotlight

Are you signed up for our blog? Receive blog posts on finance, cash flow, and business topics straight to your inbox each week! 

Over 3,000 people are signed up already.

This month we want to shine a spotlight on an article written by Digital Marketing & Content Specialist, Cal.

This article tackles one of the most frequently asked questions on the balance sheet and explains it in a super simple manner. 

Building up a Brixx plan: an in-depth demo

Brixx is here to help. Our app is designed to help all businesses (regardless of shape or size!) model their future. 

This week, we have released a video where we go through how to build a plan in Brixx. 

It may be a “back to basics” demo, but it may cover something you weren’t sure about or a capability you didn’t know Brixx had! Make sure to check out Building up a Brixx plan.


We have Facebook and LinkedIn Groups, and a Twitter feed. Come and get to know us a bit better and get involved in the discussions!

That’s all for this month, remember you can contact us on any of the channels below!

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